
City of Terre Haute Budgets


Indiana Gateway for Government Units


Monthly Reports


Indiana State Board of Accounts
Audit Reports


Indiana Gateway
Budget Notices for Local Government


Miscellaneous Financial Reports

City Controllers Office

General Information-
The Controller's Office has overall responsibility for all the city's financial matters. It is responsible for recording all transactions as well as preparing reports for various constituents to show the results of those transactions. In addition the office prepares other statistical and financial reports as required by various federal and state laws and regulations. The controller also serves as the financial advisor to the Mayor and to the City Council and to the various department heads.

To pay online for building permits, right-of-way permits and MS4 permits click here to be redirected to Cityworks.

The Controller's Office is responsible for the following:

  • Preparing the city's annual budget
  • Preparing the city's annual reports
  • Preparing each department a monthly statement of activities.
  • Recording each departments daily deposits and receipts.
  • Issues peddlers permits for door to door salespersons
  • Issues licenses for second hand stores
  • Issues transient merchants licenses for vendors to set up stands selling goods inside the city limits.
  • Issues alarm permits to local businesses and homeowners.
  • Issues alarm business licenses to companies installing and monitoring alarm systems.
  • Collects money for contractor's licenses, building permits, re-zonings, variances, alarm permits, secondhand licenses, transient merchants, alarm business licenses, pet licenses, sewer permits and right of way permits
  • Issues taxi cab licenses once paperwork has been processed with Board of Works
  • Processes the city's accounts payable, making sure bills are paid accurately and completely.
  • Keep track of all of the city's assets to keep them accurate.
  • Prepares W-2s for all city employees and 1099s for retirees.
  • Prepares payrolls for all city employees and retirees on a bi-weekly, semi-monthly and monthly basis.
  • Pays all payroll taxes to the federal and state government.
  • Processes bank reconciliations to balance all of the City's bank accounts.
  • works with American Water Company to keep information up to date for sewage customers with city water, Seelyville water and well water.
  • Records and release sewage liens in the recorders office for unpaid sewage bills.

Contact Information:


Leslie Ellis
(812) 244-2363

[email protected]

Chief Deputy Controller

Jessica Thome

(812) 244-2360

Senior Financial Analyst

Matt Blair

(812) 244-2358

Payroll Manager

Elise Taylor

(812) 244-2366

Accounts Payable Specialist

Carol Wagner

(812) 244-2361

Financial Analyst

Dawn Neice
(812) 244-2362