Rezoning of property requires these items to be completed:

1.     The application page obtained from Area Planning or from their website.

2.     The rezoning ordinance itself, on 8 ½” x 11" paper.

           a. Be sure to include redaction statement (listed below).

3.     The petition on 8 ½” x 11" paper.

4.     The site-plan on 8 ½” x 11" paper.

5.     Photocopy of deed and affidavit of ownership with original signatures on 8 ½” x 11" paper (both attached to original only).

Twelve (12) copies plus the original are needed for each item, except #5. You MUST obtain introducing councilperson's signature and approval prior to filing.  The copies are to be stapled together in the order given above. If the petitioner wishes to retain a file stamped copy of the rezoning ordinance for their records, include an additional copy. For recording and archiving purposes, the rezoning ordinance and supporting documentation should not contain handwritten material (except the signature areas).

The rezoning ordinance and petition must contain the following statement and information:

"This instrument prepared by (Name), (Address), (City, State ZIP)."

This line is to be located at the bottom of the last page of the rezoning ordinance and the petition.

In addition, the last page of the rezoning ordinance contains the signature area for the City Council, the Mayor, and the City Clerk are located at the end of this page. The statement "This instrument prepared by..." and the redaction statement (see below) follow the signature section.  

The redaction statement is as follows:

I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each social security number in this document, unless required by law.


<Your Name>


You must know the current zoning classification(s) of the property(s) you wish to rezone.  The petitioner(s) must be the property owner(s).  The Area Plan Department can provide you with the current zoning classification(s).

The rezoning ordinance and the petition must contain the legal description of the property from the deed. Please check legal descriptions closely; errors will result in delays.  You must have a copy of the deed as well.  You can obtain a copy through the Vigo County Recorder's Office located in the Vigo County Annex Building.


The address of the property to be rezoned will be listed below the legal description. Begin with the phrase "Commonly known as:" and then enter the legal address of the property. In addition, the city, state, and zip code need to be listed as well.


Please contact the City Clerk's Office during regular business hours in order to obtain a number for your rezoning ordinance. Rezoning ordinances are titled "Special Ordinance". A number is assigned to each special ordinance that appears before the City Council.  This number is placed on the Application Form, the rezoning ordinance, and the Petition on all copies as well as the original. This number is used in all references of the rezoning.


After the rezoning documents and copies have been prepared, they are brought to the City Clerk's Office for filing. The first step is to pay the filing fees with the City Controller on the second floor of City Hall. The fees total $45.00 and can be paid by cash or check. The receipt is then brought to the City Clerk's Office together with the rezoning documents and copies.


The second step is to submit payment for the recording fee to the City Clerk's Office.  The current (2020) recording fee is $25.00.  You will issue a check made payable to VIGO COUNTY RECORDER and leave it with the City Clerk's Office at the time of filing.




A rezoning ordinance follows many steps.  The first step is FILING the ordinance with the City Clerk's Office. Once the ordinance is filed, the City Clerk's Office will distribute the appropriate copies to the Area Planning Department, to the City Council and the ordinance will be placed on the City Council's website.


The next step is attending the AREA PLAN COMMISSION meeting.  A notice will be mailed to the petitioner with meeting dates.  The petitioner or their representative must attend the Area Plan Commission Meeting.


The City Council cannot take action until the Area Plan Commission has issued a recommendation.  The recommendation may be Favorable, Unfavorable, Favorable with Conditions, or No Recommendation.  Once the recommendation is certified and distributed to the City Council, the members of the City Council may take action.


The third step will be the attending the CITY COUNCIL MEETING(S).  The City Council has two regular meeting scheduled per month.  The date the rezoning ordinance is filed with the City Clerk's Office determines the required meeting dates.  Please CLICK HERE to review the filing deadlines and the corresponding meeting dates.  


Once the rezoning ordinance has been passed by the City Council, it will be recorded at the Vigo County Recorder's Office. This step is necessary for the change in the zoning classification that is detailed in the legal description of the property to be noted in any and all necessary government records. The fees for recording the rezoning ordinance are payable by the petitioner. This fee is collected at the time of filing.  The check is made payable to the Vigo County Recorder.  Please contact the Clerk's Office for more details. 


 It is helpful, but not required, if a WORD document of the ordinance is emailed to the Clerk's Office.  This document is only used for the legal notice required after passage.   You may email the WORD document to [email protected] 




Introduced by: __________________________________________________  

                         "Name of Introducing Councilman", Councilperson


Passed in open council this _______ day of ______________________, 2022.



                                                                                   "Name of current president", City Council President


ATTEST: _______________________________________________

             Michelle L. Edwards, City Clerk


Presented by me to the Mayor this _______ day of __________________, 2022.



                                                                                   Michelle L. Edwards, City Clerk


Approved by me, the Mayor, this _______ day of ______________________ , 2022.



                                                                                    Duke A. Bennett, Mayor


ATTEST: _______________________________________________

            Michelle L. Edwards, City Clerk

(Use proper spacing to allow for signatures and dates)