City Hall, Room 104
17 Harding Avenue 
Terre Haute, IN 47807
Phone: (812) 244-5611

Terre Haute Human Relations Commission meets every third Wednesday of the month at City Hall in the Board of Public Works Conference room 5:30 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. 

LGBTQ Mayor's Office Liaison - This office serves as an accessible and friendly ear to the City's LGBTQ community. The City of Terre Haute recognizes the importance of positive relations and communication between the LGBTQ community and City officials. Please call: (812) 244-5611 or email [email protected] with questions or concerns.

LGBTQ Police Liaison - Chief Shawn Keen will serve as an accessible and friendly ear to the city's LGBTQ community and will elevate LGBTQ related concerns to other police officers and city officials.  Please call: (812)244-2501 or email: [email protected] with questions or concerns.

Valuing Diversity and Inclusion, Promoting Harmony Among All People

To lead Terre Haute in building an inclusive community by:
- Enforcing the Human Rights ordinance.
- Empowering the community to eliminate barriers to equality.
- Educating the public about rights and responsibilities regarding discrimination

The Human Relations Commission is staffed by an Executive Director and maintains an office in City Hall on the first floor.

If you are experiencing discrimination, you may want to gain more information about your rights. Commission staff is available to answer your questions and arrange a complaint intake.  Inquiries are confidential.

If you are an employer, landlord, realtor, educator, or anyone trying to eliminate discrimination issues and promote diversity in the community, the Commission staff can answer your questions and offer consulting or training.

A complaint of discrimination is not a lawsuit, but it will be given serious attention by the Human Relations Commission. The Commission does not represent either side and will handle the complaint in a fair and impartial manner.

A complaint may be filed at the Commission Office by residents of Terre Haute claiming to be wronged by a discriminatory act or practice that is in violation of the city Ordinance.

Persons may also file complaints who do not live in Terre Haute but who allege an act of discrimination occurring within the city.

After filing, a notice of the complaint is sent to the respondent and the parties are offered confidential mediation services that attempt local settlement.

If mediation is rejected or if no settlement is reached, the complainant is given options for pursuing the matter with other governmental entities or through litigation.

To file a complaint with the Human Relations Commission within 180 days of the occurrence of the alleged discrimination.

To have your attorney present at any stage of the process.

To know the status of the complaint.

To file and pursue an allegation with out being harassed, intimidated, or retaliated against.

To have a clear written statement of the allegation.

To be represented by your attorney at any stage of the process.

To know the status of the complaint

To have a written notice of any process or final action.